Find missing family member

Comments from Net Detective 2001 Users:

"Dear Jean Harris:

If you ever wondered what happens to your Net Detective product after you sell it, you'll find my story interesting. I am 34 years old, with a husband and two children, living in Oklahoma. I was adopted at age two and have been searching for my "birth mother" for the past five years.

Here is the really amazing part. My birth sister, Rhonda, lives here in Oklahoma in the same city as I do. In fact her house is about a mile from our house. She has two children and they go to the same school as my kids. It is just unbelievable. We got together for lunch yesterday and we even look alike. We really hit it off. This is so incredible for me. You can't imagine the feelings, to finally discover your true roots. This is probably the most emotional time of my life.

Excuse the tear drops on my letter.
Thank You"
(name withheld)

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Other Missing Family Members links

  • Family Searchers - Advice and information on finding missing family members.
  • Reuniting Veteran's Families - Listings for missing family members who are US military veterans.
  • Families of the Missing Clutch Photos -- and Hope - Describes the agony of those waiting to find out what happened to family members who were inside the World Trade Center.
  • - Local private investigation company. Services include help in finding missing persons, lost family members, friends, heirs, and skipped debtors.
  • Quickfind UK - Missing persons, lost family members, friends, heirs, debtors or skips can be located using experienced professional tracers and the latest database resources.